This morning I realized it's about time to rejoin the Land of the Barely Living and pull myself out of the social(and digital) hiatus I imposed on myself 2 weeks ago(unemployment is a bitch). So what better way to kick off the new life than with a short a slightly entertaining blog entry highlighting a 2010 SXSW selection. I, of course, found this masterful trailer for the "neo-giallo" Amer at Twitch, the genre-film community's one(of many) stop for what passes as interesting news. I don't know how this little gem passed me up over the past couple of months, seeing that it has already won a handful of awards and has been on the festival circuit. Regardless, I love me some giallo and watching this trailer makes me think I should change my last name to Tentpants.
IMDB says-"Three key moments, all of them sensual, define Ana's life. Her carnal search sways between reality and colored fantasies becoming more and more oppressive. A black laced hand prevents her from screaming. The wind lifts her dress and caresses her thighs. A razor blade brushes her skin, where will this chaotic and carnivorous journey leave her? Written by Coach14"
Sounds pretty yellow to me. If your interested in furthering your knowledge of Amer, one of the Twitch contributors wrote a review that can be found somewhere around here.