Unlike the rest of the genre blogging community, I am not going to review any horror movies this week. Yes, it's true, I'm a nonconformist just like all my friends. It has nothing to do with hatred of the Halloween holiday or horror in general. I've actually been watching horror movies non-stop for close to a week. I just feel like doing something a little bit different but still within the spirit. You see, for the last 2 Halloweens I have donned a luchador mask. Luchadors aren't very scary, but I love them and they live in their costumes, and I tend to spend a bit more blogspace than most people on the subject.
While looking over Wrong Side of the Art today during my lunch, as I usually do, I came across this lovely poster from the luchador movie The Rose on the Ring(Una rosa sobre el ring,1973,Mexico)a movie I picked up for 5 bucks a couple years back, and even though it has no subtitles, enjoyed watching it. What sets this flick apart from other Mil Mascaras movies is the way it plays out. Instead of cheesy monsters and glorious wrestling madness, this movie could be set to an opera without a problem. A cheesy opera mind you, but one none the less. I am always happy finding luchador posters on Wrong Side. It means it's just one more piece of awesome to post on my wall.
There are two kinds of people in my world: those who watch movies and those who make movies. I, like a lot of people I know, fit very nicely into the first category. In fact, not only do I watch movies, I try to step it up and write about the movies I watch. After watching 1000's of movies in my lifetime,there are certain elements each and every one of my cinematic delights that make that movie favorable to me. I use these favorable elements to analyze, form opinions, and apply this thought process to anything else I might watch in the future Over time, these thoughts and ideas of what makes a movie good enough might come together to form a cohesive storyline for what I would consider the perfect movie. If I then chose to put those ideas on paper, I might start the slow transition into becoming the other guy: the movie maker.
Chances are, that won't happen anytime soon, if at all.
Thankfully I know people who had the dream, and the drive to become the movie makers, and are in the process of making it happen. Unfortunately, making a movie is no simple task. It requires 100's of hours of work, whether it's filming or editing, and a fair amount of capital. That's right kids.....Capital. Very rarely, if at all, will a film maker see there ideas put to film without a sizable amount of cashflow.
This is the predicament my homeboys over at Bife Productions are currently in. Currently, Pete Barr and Tim Fife have completed the filming, created a teaser trailer, and I working around the clock trying to do whatever humanly possible to finish, True King:The Steve Hawkes Story. For them to truly reach the freshman filmer finish line, though, they need to raise $2000 by December 1st. 51 days to make a dream a reality. Thankfully, with the help of Kickstarter.com and your donation, as well as mine, I think this goal can be reached.
True King is a documentary about Steve Hawkes, former body builder and b-movie star, who after a horrific accident, left Hollywood for good and now runs a big cat sanctuary in Florida. Who in their right mind wouldn't be interested in learning about the exciting life of a former Tarzan? Besides, this movie has tiger cubs, and everybody loves tiger cubs. Big cats in cinema always make a movie that much more entertaining.
If that's not enough to get you interested, check out one of the trailers:
For more information about the movie and the ability to give your two-cents(literally)check out the True King Kickstarter site.
A group of murderous frat boys get more than they bargained for when they
cross paths with a couple coming home from a wedding.
Starring: Jamie Alvey...
RIP Maria Gustafsson
Swedish author, producer, film and TV actress Maria Gustafsson died in
Stockholm, Sweden on March 23rd, she was 78. Also known as Britt, her early
Flying Economy
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over the course of a few days. The experience was, well, weird.
Have y...
She Will (2021)
Aging actress Veronica Ghent travels with her nurse Desi to a remote
wellness retreat in the Scottish Highlands to recover from a double
mastectomy. The ...
Madman (1981)
[image: Madman (1981)]Let's talk about one of the more lowkey entries from
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Starring: *Gaylen R...
The Soul of Nigger Charley (1973) review
Fred Williamson *(Nigger Charley)*, D’Urville Martin *(Toby)*, Denise
Nicholas *(Elena)*, Pedro Armendariz, Jr. *(Sandov...
Tuneful Tuesday with the Melodicka Brothers
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screeching halt by the horror show that is real life. So, instead we're
going to be...
The Endangered List (Case File #170)
*THE VIXENS* (1969)
Anne Linden (Betty)
Mary Kahn (Ann)
Peter Burns (Bob)
Steven Harrison (Alan)
Claudia Bach (Judy)
DWRAYGER DUNGEON - "R.I.P." (2007 - 2022)
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heart, I have to tell you that Tabonga and I have made the collective
[10/10] 300 (2007) [15th Anniversary Re-Review]
*300 (2007)*
*Quick Review:* A legendary tale of valor, which Snyder adapts with epic
effect, the testosterone-driven "300" is led by Gerard Butler's mas...
Major Announcements About DAARAC
Hello Everyone,
Over the last 12 years, our website has been a leading resource for
discovering a rich history of African American film and culture through...
The Clay Files
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I had heard rumors about Clay Carpenter before I s...
It’s impossible to watch Fatih Akin’s THE GOLDEN GLOVE without comparing it
to HENRY: PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER. It’s a true crime biopic that forces ...
SURPRISE! A shitty Weezer covers album is here!
SURPRISE! Riding on the tails of success of their Toto cover, Weezer
surprise dropped a full album of cover songs today, another self titled
‘color’ record...
Windows Loader 2.2.2 Latest Update
Buying a Windows 7 Original License is certainly very expensive but some
people don't have money, so the solution is to install the pirated version.
Happy Birthday Al Cliver!
Wishing a Happy Birthday to Italian genre film legend Pierluigi Conti, best
known to film fans as Al Cliver. One of the tough guys of European genre
Too many blogs I've enjoyed reading have been abandoned by authors who
abruptly quit posting new content, and too many of those blogs have never
even bo...
The 2017 Halloween Party Music UBER MEGA-MIX!
[image: best halloween party music playlist]
As darkness and despair begin to fill the Autumn air
A feeling of excitement overcomes with little else that ca...
The End of Dr Blood's Video Vault
Yes, it's really the end of the blog this time.
This news will come as no surprise to my readers who have noticed that I've
slowed down a lot over the last...
The Beverly Hills Garage Door Story
In the society of today's, a lot of people could not dream of purchasing or
constructing a house that doesn't have a garage. In the end, our various
Candy (1968)
*Ewa Aulin*, star of *Deadly Sweet* and *Death Laid an Egg*, plays the
eponymous *Candy*; a naive, somewhat gormless, sexually accommodating
teenager who...
It's Alive: A 'Frankenstein' Retrospective
Mary Shelley's Promethean tale follows the mad genius Dr. Henry
Frankenstein as he attempts to create new life from dead tissue. His
experiments are a succ...
Macbeth Unhinged
Watching a film adaptation of *Macbeth*, or any similar canonical work of
theatre or literature, is an intrinsically different viewing experience
from the ...
Places to find me!
I have changed just about all my profile names and such since I was last on
here so here's a recent update about places you can track me!
Pază fără egal
Aseară, în timp ce aşteptam la rând să-mi iau un bilet la meciul de
baschet,mi-a şoptit o păsărică o poveste de-a dreptul halucinantă.
Stabilimentul come...
Tisa Farrow Shows Off Her Balloons in Playboy
Ages ago, a friend recommended that I watch a quaint, little Italian horror
film called Anthropophagus from sleaze auteur Joe D'Amato. I was curious
The Death Rattle's Top 30 of 2014
Movies I didn't get a chance to see that might have ended up on this list:
#30 ENEMY - The synopsis sounded interesting e...
Raising Cain (1992)
"I am what you made me, Dad."
Dr. Jenny O'Keefe seems to have it all. She has a successful career in
medicine, a beautiful home, and a caring husband wh...
Timide rentrée
Un nouveau (petit) post autour de Bonten Tarô, avec des scans de dessins
issus de son おんなと肌絵 (~Femmes et Tatouages), un petit traité sur le sujet
sous fo...
Dark August (1976) Let There Be Light(ning Bug)
Dear Lair Readers,
As the venerated band Staind once intoned, “It’s Been Awhile.”, and it has.
April was the last time you saw me kicking around The Lair, ...
I have made a tattoo portfolio on on Tumblr and I've been posting news and
stuff there. Come follow me on tumblr until I make a new website!!
My usern...
Ramalan Zodiak leo Hari ini
*Ramalan Zodiak Leo Hari ini - *Leo digambarkan dengan singa, zodiak leo
merupakan raja bagi zodiak lain nya, sikapnya elegan dan eksotis.
*Ramalan Zodiak ...
Here Comes The Devil
(2013, Dir. by Adrian Garcia Bogliano.)
Review by The Mike.
There's a sequence in the middle of *Here Comes The Devil* that reminds me
of some of the be...
Nighthawks (1981)
*TV Spot*
*Soundtrack: Keith Emerson - Main Theme*
*Directed by Bruce Malmuth Starring Sylvester Stallone, Rutger Hauer and
Billy Dee Willi...
Dropping Evil teaser
I'm not sure what it's like in a lot of other cities but here in Tucson the
degrees of separation are as thin as the blood of the cold intolerant
The Top Ten Best and Worst of 2012
I'm hoping my top ten list for 2012 will prompt me to do more posts this
year, prolonged absence has been due to work reasons.
This has been the hardest...
DVD Trash returns...
DVD Trash is back - apologies for the lack of updates but along with
getting married and my normal job I've been working on a lot of DVD and
Blu-Ray proj...
Bringing Bedlam to the Bijou!
It's no secret that I love movies. Especially horror movies. And like
anyone who loves something, my greatest joy comes from sharing that love
with othe...
Savage Harbor aka Death Feud (1987)
One would think that if you put Chris Mitchum and Frank Stallone (yes, he's
got two older brothers: Rocky and Rambo) one would get good action movies.
Last year's Christmas
Above: Jane asks Zombie Santa about returning a severed head, while watching out
for the grabby hands of Hermie the Horny Undead Elf.
I have a few last...
The Return of the Living Dead Soundtrack
Before I knew shit about Romero and the original Dead trilogy, there was
only one sequel I knew to Night of the Living Dead, and that was Return of
the L...
Horror - I'll Be Back!
Sorry, I've been away for ages - a few problems led to me to lose the love
a bit. But rest assured I have been watching a ton of horror and will bore
Just a head's up for you guys. =)
"Starting next Friday through Sunday, Japan Flix will be making two of its
movies (to be named later!) available for free...
It's Malibu McBee time!
So June marks the official start of summer or some shit, and with that
comes all that cool shit that I like to do in the summer... like stay
indoors out of...
been away for a while...
Just wanted to let you all know I haven't forgotten about this blog. I just
havent had time to get on blogger lately. Mostly because I discovered
Tumblr. F...
I'm Taking A Break From Sugar & Spice!
[image: eugenie_large]
I had wanted to do this post to celebrate one of my favorite holidays,
Halloween. I don't have a lot to celebrate right now. My com...
Jinx Speaketh
One of (if not the) most evilly influential women in music is now on
Jinx Dawson, "irreverent, erotic, fiendish Left Hand Path Ceremonial
Scenes from the Morgue :: Year II
When the calendar flipped over from April to May this little endeavor of
blognuttery reached it's second anniversary milestone. Again, with my
Sci-fi vs. spy-fi; new this week at the buffet...
This week the Kommandant stalks Elio Petri's sci-fi satire The 10th Victim.
While Bunny investigates '60s spy-fi flick Deadlier Than The Male.
And on that ...
Horror Blogger Awards
Holy Crap! our blog has been nominated for the Horror Blogger Award over at
Please vote for our blog and show your support by sprea...
Mushihimesama Futari will be released REGION FREE!
Yes, fans of ridiculously difficult, 2D arcade shoot-em-ups: Cave has heard
your call. Mushihimesama Futari will be released for the xbox360 without a
Welcome Creatures Of The Night...
This Blog I will Be Reviewing a Variety Of Horror, Sci-Fi, Kung-Fu,
Western, and Explotation movies, ect. ...
Reviews will be posted when done..
So Shock ...