I'm going to try this again. A couple months ago I got this great idea to make weekly posts about cult movie going-ons in the Big Apple. I probably got one or two entries in before I either lost interest in the idea, or was at the bar on the day I should have been writing it. The last couple months have been hectic, as you've heard me bitch about time and time again, but I really can't complain. I am working the Programming Dept. for Royal Flush Festival, I have a girlfriend, and the current economic recession doesn't seem to have affected business at my day job. I guess my only concern is not being able to update this fucking thing as much as I would like.
So if I can't write reviews as much as I would like to, I might as well write about cinema happenings in NYC every week. I owe that to myself to keep busy. So here we go again....
Big Screen in the Big Apple 7/24
Deadgirl(2008) I have wanted to see the latest hype in undead entertainment since Goreboy reviewed it and Bryan at Cinema Suicide did a write up here. I can't recall the last time coming-of-age movies involved the living dead, but it sounds like an interesting concept.
Deadgirl will be showing on July 24th and 25th at midnight at the Sunshine Theater, 143 E Houston St between First and Second Ave.
More to come as the day moves on.....
Rare Photos of a Very Young Leonard Nimoy in the 1950s
Leonard Simon Nimoy (March 26, 1931 – February 27, 2015) was an American
actor and director, famed for playing Spock in the *Star Trek* franchise
for almos...
3 hours ago